Subject with a Great Salary Prospects

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UNITED STATES - Lectures have many purposes. Anyone wants to seek knowledge as high as possible, so that I have a degree, or to increase their bargaining position when seeking employment. But did you know that not all existing majors in college makes `value 'of job seekers increased?That not all majors capable of `pay 'back when you graduate, such as the list created by PayScale. This site describes the direction that graduates with the highest paid in the United States.
Uniquely, the medical school is not included in the list of 13 great. So also with the social sciences, there is no entry in this list. So, what are the most majors produce a high salary? Here's his explanation.

1. Department of Petroleum Engineering 
Graduates of this department who have work experience of two years (or so-called PayScale as a beginner), the average paid USD97.900 or equivalent to Rp828, 9 million per year. While that has been the experience for 15 years (mid-career), paid USD155 thousand, equivalent to Rp1, 3 billion per year.

2. Department of Chemical Engineering
 This entry level majors on average paid USD64.500 or equivalent to Rp546 million per year. While mid-carrer average paid USD109 thousand, equivalent to Rp922, 9 million per year.

3. Electrical Engineering
Electrical engineering graduates who are paid an average beginner USD61.300 or equivalent to Rp519 million per year. While a mid-career paid USD103 thousand, equivalent to Rp872, 1 million per year.

4. Materials Science
 Graduates of this department are paid an average USD60.400 or equivalent to Rp511, 4 million per year (for beginners) and USD103 thousand (Rp872 million) per year for mid-career level.

5. Aerotechnics 
Graduates of this department are paid an average USD60.700 or equivalent to Rp513, 9 million per year (for beginners) and USD102 thousand, equivalent to Rp863, 6 million per year (for mid-career).

6. Computer Engineering 
For graduate beginners, average paid USD61.800 or equivalent to Rp523, 3 million per year. While a mid-career pay rise to $ 101 thousand, equivalent to Rp855, 2 million per year.

7. Physical Science
 Graduates of this department are paid an average beginner USD49.800 (Rp421, 6 million) per year while for a mid-career pay rise to $ 101 thousand (Rp855, 2 million) per year.

8. Applied Mathematics
 Graduates of this department are paid an average of USD52.600 (Rp445, 4 million) per year for beginners. As for mid-career average pay USD98.600 (Rp834, 8 million) per year.

9. Computer Science 
For beginners graduates of this department, the average paid USD56.600 (Rp479, 3 million) per year. While a mid-career average pay USD97.900 (Rp829 million) per year.

10. Nuclear Engineering 
Graduates are paid an average beginner USD65.100 (Rp551, 2 million) per year. As for which mid-career average pay USD97.800 (Rp828, 1 million) per year.

11. Biomedical Engineering 
Graduates of this department are paid an average beginner USD53.800 (Rp455, 5 million) per year. While mid-career average pay USD97.800 (Rp828 million).

12. Economy 
For beginners, the average paid USD47.300 (400 million more), while mid-career paid USD94.700 (Rp801 million) per year.

13. Engineering 
Graduates of this department beginner average paid USD58.400 (Rp494 million) per year while mid-career paid USD94.500 (Rp800 million) per year.
Description: Subject with a Great Salary Prospects
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Reviewer: FarZ
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