9 Tricks Reduce Injuries At Doing Exercise

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Without regularly exercise, burning fat in order to lose weight will not be perfect. However, not just any exercise done. Excessive exercise can cause injury.

Here is a guide to sports activity in physical exercise does not cause injury.

1. Always warm up
Suppose your body is a car engine. To be comfortable, it also requires little heating so all the oil can pass through the machine and the risk of damage is reduced.

5-10 minutes warming up before exercise will make blood flow more smoothly and increase the temperature of the muscles so that we can breathe more quickly. It also will help the body adapting to every movement made.

2. A progressive program
Know your current fitness level and do the appropriate program. Gradually increase the intensity and duration of your program. It is recommended to increase the duration of no more than 10-15 percent per week.

3. Avoid the weekend syndrome
Busyness is often robs our time until there was no time left to work out on weekdays. Instead, we usually do sports on the weekends. However, because they want to burn more calories, exercise be taken too so that sometimes causing injury.

With moderate intensity exercise performed every day more healthy and have smaller risk of experiencing an injury compared with exercise extra hard to do once on the weekend.

4. Avoid excessive exercise
Wanting to pursuing a target weight loss, many people who forced himself up to a certain point and eventually injury. Obviously this is not the right way to exercise. Keep exercising within your limits. If you experience severe fatigue, immediately rested. Make sure you do not face the symptoms of dizziness, heart palpitations, chest pain, and joint pain.

5. Do not exercise when sick
Do not exercise if you do not feel fit. When you exercise after recovering from illness or injury, start slowly and gradually.

6. Inadequate body is needs fluids and ions
Water consumption during exercise so the body is not dehydrated and exhausted, especially when performed in outdoor sports.

7. Wear comfortable clothing
Choose clothing that absorbs the sweat and loose. For women, wear a supportive bra for exercising.

8. professional help
Never be ashamed to take lessons from an instructor. They better understand which body part should be established first and the right intensity to achieve your goals.

9. Take a rest
No less important, remember to cool down after you complete the exercise. Strenuous exercise can cause your muscles tighten, and the condition is more susceptible to injury. Make sure you create a regular exercise program to stretch the muscles to maintain flexibility.

That's all the way to reduce injuries at doing exercise =)
Description: 9 Tricks Reduce Injuries At Doing Exercise
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Reviewer: FarZ
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Title : 9 Tricks Reduce Injuries At Doing Exercise.
Original URL : http://farzc.blogspot.com/2011/10/9-tricks-reduce-injuries-at-doing.html
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