How To Make Your Laptop Battery Has Long Durability

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Laptop batteries are generally made ​​from Li-Ion Li-Ion battery which has an age range between 4-5 years. How to maintain the performance of laptop batteries to keep it functioning properly? or How to maintain the durability of the laptop battery? This question is often expressed by laptop users, as we know the laptop battery is one element of an expensive laptop. Simple tips that can do all of these users may be able to apply.

1. Put the laptop on a hard base.

Heat is one of the main enemy of the battery element, if you put the laptop on a soft base such as pillows such as the heat that comes out will be absorbed.

2. Use Stable Electricity

When you do notice the battery charge of electricity consumed by the adapter, avoid power voltage is unstable.

3. Should the battery be removed?

The answer is Yes and No. If your laptop is equipped with kempuan switch when the battery is fully charged then immediately transferred to the power adapter, then remove the battery unnecessarily,
But if not then you can remove the battery with the battery element limetime consideration.
You need to consider when going to remove the battery, if you place a great power?
Because when you do not use the battery power into pure electricity comes from and if the power fails, then the laptop will lose power.

4. Defrag Your Hard Disk

Do a disk defrag on a regular basis, with regular defrag the hard drive's performance will be better and it will automatically reduce the battery load

5. Hibernate & Standby

Switch to Hibernate and leave your Standby habits


6. Hard disk & CDROM

Use more hard drive than to use the CDROM as the CDROM power consuming worse than on the hard disk


7. Battery contacts

Clean your battery contacts with a cloth moistened with alcohol every once a month, so that the battery remains smooth power transfer.

8. Power Option

Use the Optimize option, which option would be to use maximum battery for maximum display effect.

9. External Device

Do not be too long to work with external devices, if you use an external hard drive the file should be removed and transferred into the hard drive. turn off WiFi, Bluetooth, or other external device when not in use.

10. RAM

Larger RAM better, why? because if the RAM is too small then when the handle big jobs will improve the performance of virtual memory virtual memory which is consuming more power.
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