10 The American Cowboy Code You Can Adopt

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Now, try to see 10 cowboy code of ethics which I quote from Wikipedia. His name: Gene Autry's Cowboy Code.

1. Prohibited weapons fired first; should not hit people smaller or unfair duel.
2. It should not be licking the words that have been spoken; may not divulge the secret.
3. Should always tell the truth.
4. Must be nice to children, older people, and small animals.
5. Prohibited from being racial and anti-tolerance.
6. Required to help people in distress.
7. Cowboy must be a hard worker.
8. Should behave, think, and speak clearly and firmly.
9. Obliged to respect women, parents, and state policies.
10. A cowboy is a lover of his homeland.
Description: 10 The American Cowboy Code You Can Adopt
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Reviewer: FarZ
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Title : 10 The American Cowboy Code You Can Adopt.
Original URL : http://farzc.blogspot.com/2011/10/10-american-cowboy-code-you-can-adopt.html
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