Five Things that Make Men Trivial Missing Sense

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Some women think men away from the opposite sex who talk too much or trying to organize their lives. Not only that, he also lost a sense for when things are considered trivial. Want to know what? the following answer:

 1. Tears
A study published in the journal Science recently discovered, while kissing the tears of women, men feel less aroused. Researchers suspect, tears are a sign of biochemical woman to say, "Not now." This is especially when you're PMS or menstruation.

If you want to make it always interested in, plug it interesting and do not smile too often shed tears in front of him.

2. A Thick Make Up
Many women feel confident when using thick makeup. Lipstick on, until a thick mascara and eye shadow excessive cheek only made him hot. Instead of praising your beauty, she might assume you're wearing a mask.

A survey found that one in five men expect their partners to reduce the use of makeup. And, one in ten men said women who prefer natural makeup.

3. Porn Video and Picture
The experts found that men who are too often watching videos or viewing erotic images have unrealistic expectations of her appearance. They also tend to develop unhealthy sexual behavior and feel less satisfied sexually.

4. Fruit perfume and food
If you think you'll get his attention while wearing perfume or cotton candy creme brulee, you should think again. According to Cosmopolitan survey, the smell of sweet perfume makes him think immediately to the kitchen or dining. As with the scented soap. Once kissed her, he would immediately fly.

5. Soybean
If yes eating healthy foods such as soy milk, there are two possibilities: he is conscious to run a healthy lifestyle or just do not want trouble with the spouse.

If you want permanent life partner's sexual prime, you should keep it away from him soy milk. Soy milk contains isoflavones is are similar to estrogen. These compounds have an effect lowering libido in men.
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