Trick Increase Blog Pagerank


This time I will share about Trick Increase Blog Pagerank,

I believe we can if you aplly this method correctly. If it is applied to your web / blog, you will get :
  • Your blog will be flooded with incredible traffic visitors day after day, without having to worry about SEO or tired every related promotions in the online world.
  • Your blog will also be flooded backlink significantly from day to day, without bothering to hunt every related links in the Internet world.
Things you should do is follow these steps:
  • Keep posting as I post this article, or copy-paste this article. Then put a title at will (because it is the SEO for your web / blog of your own).
  • You simply put the Links below to the article you are on the blog / web :
1. Alexa
2. Facebook
3. Twitter
4. Yahoo
5. Blogspot
6. Youtube
7. Gmail
8. Kaskus
9. AdsenseCamp
10. FarZ Collection

But remember, before you put the link above, you should remove the link number 1 from the list. So that all link up one level. Who was number 2 be number 1, number 3 was 2, and so on. Then enter the your link at the bottom (number 10).

If each participant can take only 5 people, then the number of backlinks that will be obtained is

When you position 10, the number of backlinks = 1
Position 9, the number of backlinks = 5
Position 8, the number of backlinks = 25
Position 7, the number of backlinks = 125
Position 6, the number of backlinks = 625
Position 5, the number of backlinks = 3.125
Position 4, the number of backlinks = 15.625
Position 3, the number of backlinks = 78.125
Position 2, the number of backlinks = 390.625
Position 1, the number of backlinks = 1,953,125
And all of them use keywords that you want. In terms of SEO agan've got 1,953,125 backlinks and side effects if a web visitor clicks on the link trusts and it is also a blog agan get additional traffic. And of course your blog PageRank will increase.
And one additional from me, this trick only requires "honesty".

Please copy and paste this article, and remove the link number 1 and add a link blog / your website in the top 10. Spread this article to a friend of a friend agan So you can continue to increase Pagerank!
And hopefully this Trick Increase Blog Pagerank can be useful :)

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+ Comment + 8 Comment

April 8, 2012 at 2:21 PM

Nice share friends..
btw, don't forget blogwalking to my blog..
see you there.. ;)

April 8, 2012 at 7:04 PM

ada nggak cara mudah mendapatkan backlink

April 8, 2012 at 7:28 PM

kalo saya baca di artikel di sitenya para master . . .
sering2lah berkomen pada blog dofollow yang berpagerank tinggi . .

kalo gak gitu, ya ikuti aja langkah-langkah diatas :)

April 9, 2012 at 3:36 PM

wih muantep nch sob blog ane masih lom bg2 apa2

April 11, 2012 at 9:36 PM

this comment style like my mine.. ^^ nice blog..

April 11, 2012 at 11:10 PM

NIce Info

April 12, 2012 at 2:29 PM

wah ane sih ga percaya sama yang kayak gituan kang :D tapi thanks udah share hehe

April 12, 2012 at 6:04 PM

Sebenarnya ane sih juga 'agak' gak percaya, tapi ini cuma buat share aja :)

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