Playing With Fire - Shockwave Game


Has long been published, Playing With Fire game still an awesome and cool game.
You must kill your enemy with your bomb you plant it. But in the barrel that was in the arena there a powerup for you and your enemy. You can steal your enemy's bomb, kick it, and take a powerup for bigger explosion, also powerup for faster running.

Playing With Fire 2

 If you interesting, you can download from the link below:
  • Download Playing With Fire 2
    • In this session you can play multiplayer with your friend (2 in 1 PC :p) 

Playing With Fire 2

  • Download Playing Wtih Fire 3
    • You just can play with yourself, but there is an additional powerup.

Playing With Fire 3

Enjoy this game ^^

Description: Playing With Fire - Shockwave Game
Rating: 5
Reviewer: FarZ
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+ Comment + 1 Comment

March 7, 2012 at 7:01 PM

Thanks for sharing your info. I really appreciate your efforts and I will be waiting for your further write ups thanks once again.

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