Transparent Jacket Made in Japan

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Stem Cell is really making big changes in the health of mankind. Only a few years ago the entire world-renowned scientists still believe that no single material that can make people disappear. That's really not possible, because it violates all known laws of human nature. BUT THEY ALL WRONG.

Metamaterial, became one of the ingredients are busy talking. This material could make something invisible. A dress that uses this technology can make the wearer "disappear" like magic in Harry Potter's cloak.

A fighter with metamaterial material will not be visible not only does not look like the technology radar "stealth", but really does not look like a tool invisible cloaking device in Star Trek movies.
This can be done for example by creating an artificial material that can bend electromagnetic radiation, as well as light which is essentially electromagnetic radiation. Danger could be like tin and plastic are arranged in a specific pattern structure.

Metamaterial will bend the light, which surrounds the object diselimutinyaand reassemble at the end. like river water around a stone. In a recent study at Perdue University, they use special needles that will bend light beyond the shrouded object while the object behind it will be seen.

This material is being studied around the world including at MIT, the University of California Berkeley, Duke University, and Caltech in LA.
Description: Transparent Jacket Made in Japan
Rating: 5
Reviewer: FarZ
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