Creating a Small Feed Box "By Feedburner"

Creating a Small Feed Box "By Feedburner" | Many people wonder, how do I make a small box whose contents are the number of people who subscribe to our articles. Usually the box labeled '... readers' By Feedburner. Or it usually called 'Subscriber Count'.

Creating a Small Feed Box "By Feedburner"
Actually I was also confused, but eventually I found a way to make the box. If you include people who have long searched for ways to make it, better follow the steps below.

1. Login to your blogger account. That's sure. :v
2. Go to Design => Add Gadget => HTML/JavaScript
3. Copy code below and edit some.
<div style="padding-left:10px"><a target="_blank" href=""><img border="0" alt="ads" src=""/></a></div>
Change the red, with your feedburner link.
Green for 'Background Color' that you want.
Blue for 'Text Color' that you want.

That is for today, hopefully this post is useful for for those of you who have always been looking for an article like this, Creating a Small Feed Box "By Feedburner".


  1. wah bagus sekali nih sob..
    ijin bookmark ya buat dibaca berkali kali..

    #Salam Silaturahmi

  2. mengenai pertanyaan soba saya jawab dalam Indonesia saja ya,,,biar gampang, di dalam TOS google webmaster sudah di sampaikan sob bahwa mas google tidak menyukai skema link exchange ataupun link farm, nah sementara blog do follow termasuk dalam katagori skema link farm sebab pada sebuah blog do follow akan banyak link masuk yang menginginkan linkback sementara pemilik blog harus banyak mengeluarkan outbound link, dan jika ingin mendaptkan PR harus terdapat keseimbangan antara in dan outbound link sob,,,mungkin itu sedikit penjelasan saya dan jika masih ada yang kurang jelas silahkan sobat kirim pertanyaan ke email saya sob


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