Characteristhcs of people with low EQ

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Characteristics of people with low EQ

Characteristics of people with low EQ | Emotional intelligence is a very influential on a person's success in life, my own experience when the school first, many of my friends that in fact the "smart people" with a value of logic and mathematics lessons rather, there are also my friends who "ordinary - ordinary" course, but the association is very good at all.

And apparently now a lot of my friends that "ordinary" it was far more successful than those with the "IQ" high, although this can not be a reason entirely but at least we can take the conclusions were "high IQ" alone is not sufficient but necessary "high EQ" for life success can be achieved.

EQ or emotional intelligence very important role in what we will achieve, here are some of the characteristics of people with the low EQ, and hopefully we can avoid these properties so that we can drive to succeed in life.

Characteristics of people with low EQ:

1. Tend to self-centered, oriented towards its own interests and personal satisfaction sometimes feel satisfied when able to insult or beat someone else. The more confused the more frantic the fun he had someone else. People like this usually creates a sense of victory by making other people suffering or difficulty.

2. A poor listener, preferred to talk, interruptions, and very happy
love the debate, I always correct him. Though God has given us one mouth and two ears as proof that we are commanded to listen more.

3. Negative in the eyes of many people, usually people with low EQ has a negative judgment on the surrounding environment, almost everyone does not like it.

4. Looking at the problem of the mind, not feelings, usually they are too rigid in enforcing the rules, many things are not too detailed discussion of principle giving rise to unnecessary conflict.

5. Feel insecure and difficult to accept mistakes themselves, it is difficult to apologize sincerely otherwise difficult to accept other people's success.

Mini Story
There is a very high IQ but fails at his job.
Why? Answer an Expert: You have a high IQ, but have bad EQ.
Description: Characteristhcs of people with low EQ
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