Simple Tips and Tricks to clean RAM

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Sometimes, your computer will become slow after a long use. Moreover, if we use a lot of heavy software like Adobe Photoshop, Corel Draw, Sony Soundforge, etc..

Usually when we use the application, our computer is slow. Chances of that happening because there is still no trace of the data stored in RAM, so that our computer was so slow. One way to clean the RAM is to reboot the computer first. But I think it's very complicated huh?

I have a much simpler way that can be done by all people, lay and proficient. Notice how below:
1. Right-click the mouse on the desktop, select New - Shortcut.

2. Type
on the field that appears.
%windir%\system32\rundll32.exe advapi32.dll,ProcessIdleTasks
3. Click Next.

4. Give the shortcut a name above, the name can be given freely as you wish, or you pass it, his name automatically be rundll32.exe.

5. Click Finish.
Anytime your computer is slow, click the shortcut that you've created earlier to clear the RAM. Actually, maybe it works the same way like RAM Booster or similar applications, but not less really like the software, other software.

NB : Windows Only
Description: Simple Tips and Tricks to clean RAM
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