Five Reasons to use LED Monitor


Well, not know if the monitor Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) is not really friendly environmentally? When the screen is lit using fluorescent tubes such thing as cold cathode or fluorescent lamp (CCFL) (usually there are 4), mercury vapor (of mercury) of low pressure will be to forms. He said, mercury (Hg) is really dangerous. If so disposed wrote would pollute the environment.

On this basis, the same LED LCD monitors started replaced. Why you'd better put on the LED monitor?

1. energy-efficient
Must be important right? Now there is a monitor that already have a motion sensor. Then agan again away from the front of the computer, automation monitor dimmed / darker. If agan coming soon, come on again. It was not trick and not magic, sir

In addition, there is also such thing as light sensors. Iini usually nothing to equal the room dark / bright. If the room is dim, definitely eye sore like the monitor is too bright for you? Now adjust the light sensor could help this. In room light, automatically making the monitor light, and vice versa.
There are also options for saving energy-saving eco. Just choose what percentage want to save energy. Just one more, there is a timer that can be set which allows the monitor turns itself off.

2. Sharper images
Although energy efficient, LED display monitor does not mean ordinary wrote. Indeed the more bright, sharp and bright. A comparison with playing games or watching movies on the LCD monitor, a regular TV and on the LED monitor. Where do you choose? I'm still LED monitor

3. advanced
Now there is already technology in LED monitors that allow images or movies on the monitor is always in the middle if seen from any angle.

4. trend
getting here, LED monitor look more and more people. The point is getting to be a trend. Create fond of playing games, or working at the computer mulu, definitely really important to have the LED monitor which has many advantages

5. More slim size
The average excess LED monitors the same size who one slim package. Plasticity becomes cool and not eating places. Create a busy workplace, importantly who ya got slim monitors .. to not make a full table and not make the stress
Description: Five Reasons to use LED Monitor
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Reviewer: FarZ
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+ Comment + 3 Comment

December 16, 2011 at 5:43 PM

led lighting options also create many of the natural tone of the light that is emitted, which makes everything look a little blue or yellow. May not be aware of it now, but after spending some time looking at lights LED, and you will not look at the conventional options the same way.

December 16, 2011 at 11:52 PM


But, if it compared to LCD monitor..LED is better

September 27, 2012 at 12:39 PM

Another disadvantage of an LCD monitor is that it is bulkier and heavier than an LED monitor. The florescent tubes are the reason for the additional thickness.

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