Know About GPS Technology #Part 3

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 Continuation from #Part 2

Know Your Benefits, And The terms in the GPS

Having a of GPS without knowing their role? should avoid it in, because if we have a of GPS we also need to know what the usefulness of of GPS, here are some uses of GPS

Vehicle Tracking

Other uses are as of GPS vehicle trackers, with the help of of GPS vehicle owners / managers can find car rental services anywhere there is a vehicle / asset moves in today.


Many are also used as a of GPS navigation tool like compass. Several types of vehicles have been equipped with GPS for navigation aids by adding maps, so it can be used to guide motorists know the path that should be selected to achieve the desired goal.


GPS is used for war purposes, such as guiding the direction of the bomb, or know where troops are located. In this way we can know the friends and enemies to avoid the wrong target, or determine the movement of troops.

Monitoring earthquakes

Even today, with great precision of GPS can be used to monitor ground movement, which ordenya simply mm a year. Monitoring of ground movement is useful for estimating the occurrence of earthquakes, volcanic or tectonic movements either.

Geographic Information Systems

For the purposes of Geographic Information Systems, of GPS is often also involved in creating the map, such as measuring the distance of the border or as a reference measurement.

How does GPS work?

How GPS works, we can divide into five stages or GPS concept that works as follows:
1. Basic concept of GPS is triangulation from several satellites. Triangulation method is a method of determining the point of using the principles of the triangle
2. To make the process of triangulation, a GPS receiver to measure the distance on the basis of the time required by a radio signal to travel from the transmitter that is in our GPS satellite to the receiver.
3. To measure the length of travel time, GPS needs very accurate time which is achieved by doing some tricks or ways.
4. Along with distance, we also need to know exactly where to position the GPS satellites are located. The key is to find high-orbit satellites to monitor the GPS and the GPS satellites in the orbital.
5. Lastly, you must correct for any delay in the GPS radio signal after passing through the journey through the layers Atmospere
Behind it all, in fact the basic idea of ​​calculating the position using GPS is that we use the position of the GPS satellites in Space made a point of reference for determining the position of a point on the earth. With a highly accurate measurement of the distance of at least three GPS satellites we can determine position anywhere on earth with the triangulation method.

    GPS System
    GPS satellites circle the earth 2x a day
    These satellites transmit signals to earth
    Signal is used to calculate the position

Distinguish the transmitted GPS time to calculate the position
This time is calculated as the distance from several GPS satellites to calculate positions on the earth & its surface, including the exosphere
Basic GPS Work
Must have at least three GPS satellites to calculate a 2D position and movement.
With four satellites, the GPS we can calculate the 3D position position (latitude, longitude & altitude).
With the position information, GPS can calculate other data such as: speed, direction, trajectory, distance, distance to destination, sunrise & sunset, etc.
Lock On RoadMapOrientationPoint Of Interest (POI)RoutingInterval TracklogWaypoint

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