Yoshida Ruler - Ruler on Computer Monitor


Yoshida Ruler - Ruler on Computer Monitor | Is a small software that give the appearance of a ruler who was quite useful, because it can measure the exact size of an object on the screen.
Yoshida Rulers will put a semi-transparent ruler on the computer screen when run first time. This will be a ruler over the look of the other programs being run, it also can be moved around with drag function (press the left mouse button, hold and drag). While clicking the right mouse button on the ruler will bring us to a display option from Yoshida Rulers of this.

Choice of font and color, semi-transparency (alpha blend), or the intensity of the ruler display (light or dark).

The Size of a Ruler
Can be determined through a preset length of a ruler (680, 800, 1024 and 1280 pixels) or enter your own we will. Can also be arranged how kana and the left margin, while the width of ruler.

This feature is very useful, because it could set the direction of the ruler to the 4-way landscape needs: from top to bottom, left to right, or vice versa.

Thickness Point
We can set if every ruler needs to show thick lines for each of dozens of units, size, number as well as its magnitude.

Proportional to the size of the file is only about 680KB, this portable program is quite credible because it is claimed to work well until Windows 7. And also keep in mind, the ruler is not showing unit centimeters or inches, but the pixel.

Download. Click here
Description: Yoshida Ruler - Ruler on Computer Monitor
Rating: 5
Reviewer: FarZ
Item Reviewed: Yoshida Ruler - Ruler on Computer Monitor

Title : Yoshida Ruler - Ruler on Computer Monitor.
Original URL : http://farzc.blogspot.com/2012/06/yoshida-ruler-ruler-on-computer-monitor.html
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+ Comment + 1 Comment

June 30, 2012 at 9:38 PM

its nice software... very usefull

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