Things Can Improve Brain Ability

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Things that Can Improve Brain Ability | Will naturally lose brain cells when it reaches the age of 30 years. As a result, comprehension will be disrupted, forgetfulness and difficulty remembering new information. However, do not worry there is a trick to keep the brain's ability to continue to work properly.

Green Tea
Green tea contains anti-oxidants that high, will fight free radicals which can attack the brain. Green tea has been shown to inhibit the enzyme that causes Alzheimer's. Besides green tea also makes the brain sharper skills.

Chewing activity increases blood flow to the brain that controls memory. You can read a book while chewing gum with your daily activities.

Playing a music instrument
Musical training can improve the sharpness of thought. Doing regular exercise music for a year to help the power of thought and memory become better.

Smell a flowers
Research in America shows that, people often smell the flowers can think of 17 percent faster. The smell of flowers is believed to relieve stress and make your mind sharper. Place the flowers in the house or your desk.
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