Fruit that Bad if Stored in Refrigerator


Fruit that bad if stored in refrigerator | Fresh and chilled fruit is most delicious when eaten hot weather. But you know not all the good fruits to put into the refrigerator. Because there are some pieces are even more delicious and nutritious if left at room temperature.

Want to know what fruit is it?

1. Watermelon
The fruit is rich in water to contain anti-cancer called lycopene. Interestingly, levels of lycopene in watermelon will rise to 40 percent if left at room temperature.

According to a study published in the Journal of Nutrition, arginine amino acid content, which can help you lose weight, the fruit will also grow much if not stored in the refrigerator. In addition, another advantage of this fruit is that it can serve as "natural Viagra" because it contains citrulline.

2. Tomatoes
The fruit can be consumed in fresh condition, a mixed salad or mixed spices, and blended it rich in anthoxidants lycopene and vitamins A, C, and K. The more red fruit, the higher the content of likopennya. Therefore, it is recommended fruit stored at room temperature and eaten when the fruit matures.

3. Peaches
Store peaches at room temperature without removing the stems to prevent rot. Peaches or peach has high fiber content, vitamin A and C, niacin and potassium as well mineral that can increase good cholesterol. Once the fruit is ripe, immediately consume or store in refrigerator. Enjoy the peaches with the skin to get more vitamins, fitokemikal, and fiber.

. Mango
Vitamin C rich fruit should be stored in a basket of fruit, not in the refrigerator, so that mature quickly. Mango fruit also contains natural intestinal enzymes that can help overcome indigestion.
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+ Comment + 2 Comment

May 31, 2012 at 9:02 PM

t=la trus deleh ndi had???

May 31, 2012 at 9:53 PM

letakkan di suhu ruangan :)

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