Origin of Ironing from Age to age

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Ironing comes from the dutch language, strijkijzer (which means to remove wrinkles from clothing with a heated tool). The concept of the iron itself comes from China a century BC. In those days, they used an iron skillet with long handle that contains coal. Well, the pan is then emphasized in clothes that will be in the irons. Although the shape is still some distance away from the iron that we know today, but if it does not appear on this idea, we'd still crumpled clothes, crumpled all.

Unfortunately the 17th century, the development of iron not as fast as we imagine. Only in the 17th century, iron appeared in the West. Ironing, which first appeared at that time was known as sadiron, which comes from the ancient English sald that means solid. Sadiron shaped piece of iron attached to the rod of iron. Sadiron is heated in front of an open fireplace or stove. But, once sadiron is heated, the handle, too hot. Eating, for holding this sadiron, we must use a very thick gloves. Sadiron usually 2.5 to 4.5 kg weight.

In the 19 th century around 1870 a housewife named Mary Florence Potts in Iowa found the innovation that makes ironing so much easier. The trick to make sadiron with two sharp edges, which makes ironing easier two-way. The following year, Mary patented discoveries in the future that is sadiron one with a handle that can be loose, allowing sadiron be heated without the need to heat up handle as well. One thing that became quickly sadiron masalh is that once it cools, so we must have some ironing to be alternately heated and used.

Late 19th century, Complexity sadiron process that must be preheated is finally resolved by the end of the 19th century. At that time, there are many discoveries that can heat up the iron itself. For example, iron can be filled with coal. Unfortunately, the present invention is also not perfect because it makes the iron becomes more smoky and difficult to make in it continue to burn coal. In addition, there is also the discovery of iron that uses gasoline and alcohol as fuel. Another problem that emerges is a less pleasant smell and often explode sehingaa make people afraid to use it.

Ages 20 electric Ironing which was first patented in fact established in 1882. However, the present invention is not successful precisely because it is difficult to use. At that time, not many people who have electricity at home. If anything, it's usually only used electricity at night to light. New at the beginning of the 20th century, electric irons and eventually became popular in the 1920's mucullah electric iron with thermostat. Ironing so much easier, because we can adjust the temperature.

21st Century Ironing that we often use today must have been a much more sophisticated and easier. In addition to temperature control, there is also equipped with a container of water that we can spray at the same time we are ironing. There are also new forms of iron such as a vacuum cleaner that allows us to smooth clothes. If using a steam iron that emit heat, we do not need to put clothes on the ironing board, but just in hanging it. Also increasingly lighter weight irons, ironing and even now there are only weighs 1.5 ounces. 

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